
From Drugs To Dreams

Who is from drugs to dreams?


From drugs to dreams is a blog site who's mission is to fight the stigma that the world puts on addiction, addicts, and their loved ones.

Mike is a 32 year old recovering Meth Amphetamine addict living just outside Philadelphia, PA. With no money, no job and no means to go on he surrendered. He began his journey to recovery in 2004. He has gone from a lost and broken soul to a loving husband and a father of two amazing boys. He has a high profile job, loving friends and family, and a life he could have never imagined. Mike has decided to dedicate his life to assisting recovering addicts and their families in realizing that addiction can be over come. He plans to be on the forefront of the fight to end the addiction stigma in America. It is time America stops treating addiction with criminal consequences. It is time they treat it like the disease that it is.

Through the stories posted in this blog, along with relevant and current drug use, abuse, and recovery news he hopes that he can help spread the hope that so many people dealing with addiction have lost. He wants this blog to be a safe haven where people can come for advice, comfort, and most importantly, to realize they are not alone. He hopes this blog can portray his most important message...

...We can go from drugs to dreams!

Copyright © 2016. From Drugs To Dreams.